Tuesday 15 August 2017

Welcome to our new Blog: exclusively for clients of HelpHound

For some time now we have been aware that we needed a blog that would only transmit vital information to our clients:
  • news - from and about HelpHound
  • news - from and about reviews in general
  • news - changes at Google that affect our clients
The last thing we want is for you - our paying clients - to tire of reading articles that are designed to promote HelpHound as opposed to inform you.

In this, our first week, we will copy across the articles from the old blog that are current and that we consider important. After that we will only blog when we have something importnat to say to all of you.

We hope you will feel free to let us know if we are not saying enough (or if it's still too much!). 

Welcome to helphound.blog.